
Showing posts from 2017

How to change your husband mind about divorce

Marriage is very beautiful relation between two peoples they have more love for each other and want to more love form their partner. Husband wife relation same as a cycle balancing if one partner not maintain balance their life then they lose their happy relation, therefore,  today ‘s time relation break down in some time and they lose their marriage relation when you feel  your relation can breakup down then you should to avoid disputes between from each other and found happiness with your partner but sometime we thing about our relation why partner not happy with us and negative thinking come in our mind just like a leave this relation, make a new girlfriend/boyfriend and  start new relation with them  and spend whole life but this types of thought break our relation. You should to try for you relation always happy with us because husband wife disputes going on every couples life but we cannot say that you break down your relation so it’s better than divorce you can convince your p

How to Stop Fight in A Relationship

Conflict and fighting are normal in a relationship, but everything has limits, when conflict and fight are occurring out of limit, then this brings lots of issues and estrangement in a relationship.   Once a while people get apart from their partner because of a fighting, because it occurs out of limits, might be both people don’t have good comprehended and faith in a relationship.   if you are going in this situation and wants to make your relationship works and succeed but a cause of fight and conflict not able to do this, searching solution of that how to stop a fight in a relationship ? Then this keeps continues reading this post. It will help you to works and succeed of your relationship. Something fighting is persists in a relationship unwillingly, because of misunderstanding, underlying issues, and misconception. So if you having lack of understanding with your partner, and unfaith in your relationship then you should spend your much of time with your partner, and findin

How to Win My Wife Love Back Again

Are you the one man, whose wife stop loving you? Do you want to get back a love of her? Are you seeking a solution of how to win my wife love back again?   If yes then, you come at right place.   Well you are not only a single person, who are seeking solution of that, there are lots of man who wants to win heart of their wife again, because as month and years go of marriage relation; both the people get busy with their works, cause of that doubts, lack of understanding, and unfaith take a place in their relation, and most of the time husband get busy with their works because of the distance is increased between both of them, this distance lead lack of love In relationship.    So if your wife is stop loving to you because of your busy schedules, then start paying attention on her, find out time for her, not matter how much you are busy in your works, show love and care   and affection towards her, find out what is she expect from you, and fulfill her expectation. So slowly-